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As usual, the free distribution of educational materials to the sighted children of visually impaired parents was held on Saturday 16th June 2018, at the B P A office, Cottongreen. The educational materials such as School bags, Lunch Box, Water Bottle, Note Books, pencils, erasers, scale, sharpeners etc. were distributed free of cost. The office bearers Mrs Anubha Dixit, President, Mr Y D Zope, Mr Kiran Kadam, Vice Presidents, Mr Ketan Kothari, Hon. General Secretary, Mr Ashok Kamble, Hon. Treasurer, Ms Ananta Bhoje and Mr Nilesh Kulkarni, members of Executive Council were present at the function and distributed the kits at their hands. Around 73 sighted children of 60 blind parents benefitted on account of this programme during this year.

The Note Books were sponsored by Mr Hitesh Mehta of H M Classes who has been sponsoring the same for the past 11 years through the kind courtesy Mr Purshottam Patel and the Water Bottles were sponsored by Mr Naresh B Thakur, Member, through Mrs Anubha Dixit. The Pencil Boxes, Compass, scales etc were given as donation by Mr. Prasad Todankar and a cash donation of Rs. 3,000/- was received from the Q C S C Staff members of Mazgaon Telephone Exchange of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. for purchase of educational materials such as lunch boxes, erasers etc. Both these donations were received through the efforts of Mrs Savita Zende, our staff member. The Association kept on record its sincere thanks to all the donors for their valuable assistance.